Our Services.

  • Dental Cleaning.

    Some areas are hard to get to. Even dentists need regular cleanings too. We have the skills and the right tools. While we are there we will make sure there are no problems with your teeth and gums.

  • Periodontal Disease.

    This is where we shine. As periodontists, we were trained specifically to manage your gums and to save your teeth from gum diseases. We offer a wide spectrum of periodontal disease treatments from deep cleaning, periodontal surgeries, and tissue regenerations, depending on what is best for you and your teeth. Dental implants work wonders, but it’s hard to be better than what mother nature gave us. So let us help you save your teeth.

  • Gum Recessions.

    50% of people between 18 to 64 years old and almost 90% of the 65+ population have at least one site of recession. You may experience sensitivity to cold, you may notice the teeth looking longer, or you may even notice a notch in your tooth that is getting bigger. Most of the time these can be improved with our gum plastic surgeries, and early intervention generally means a better outcome.

  • Extractions and Ridge Preservation.

    As periodontists, we are trained to save teeth. Unfortunately, there are situations when a tooth cannot be salvaged. For example, we will recommend extractions when there is no way to adequately repair/restore a tooth, or when the periodontal disease is so severe that extraction is only realistic management.

    All dentists can take out teeth, but our promise is that the extraction will be performed in a way that is minimally traumatic to you. We also offer ridge preservation procedures that will maximally preserve your jaw bone volume so that you will be ready for a dental implant to replace the extracted tooth.

  • Bone Grafting & Sinus Lifts

    Oftentimes, when a tooth has been missing for more than 6 months, up to 50% of the bone that is used to support the tooth, will atrophy or shrink away if no ridge preservation procedures were completed at the time of tooth extraction. Because of this, you may have been told there isn’t enough bone for you to get a dental implant.

    Fortunately, in most scenarios, we can help you regain the lost bone so that it will be possible for you to receive the dental implant. We have advanced imaging systems that will help us decide on the most appropriate treatment for you, and we have a wide variety of biomaterials that will help us deliver the best possible results to you.

  • Dental Implants

    Dental implants have been a game-changer for treating missing or lost teeth since Dr. Brånemark first discovered in 1952 that titanium can integrate with the bone. We only use dental implants from Straumann, the leading dental implant company in the world, which has one of the most reliable and most trusted systems available.

    Using the latest technologies, our implants are placed using software-guided surgeries that take away the guesswork and offer superior precision, predictability, and efficiency.

  • Peri-implantitis Therapy

    A common misconception is that dental implants will not go bad the way natural teeth may break down because they are made of metal and porcelain. If a dental implant is neglected and constantly left in an unclean environment, a condition called peri-implantitis can develop and affect the implant which ultimately may cause it to fail.

    These are tough situations to get out of, but we as periodontists and implant specialists are well-trained to manage these conditions. Let us have a look and provide you with second opinions because there may be ways to save your dental implant.